Artikel Inggris

Ini list dari artikel Inggris gue biar gue gampang nyarinya pas gue lagi butuh.

Arti dan Contoh Penggunaan Kata dan Frasa Kata Bahasa Inggris:

  1. Are You Sure?
  2. Badass
  3. Busting My Ass
  4. Call It a Night
  5. Come Again
  6. Come Up
  7. Dead to Rights
  8. Don't Mind If I Do
  9. For Real
  10. Get It Together
  11. Get Out
  12. Get the Better of Me
  13. Go Home
  14. Good Night
  15. Got Under My Skin
  16. Have a Nose For Something
  17. Heads-Up
  18. Hold Up End Of the Bargain
  19. Hoop
  20. How Have You Been
  21. I Couldn't Agree More
  22. I Don't Understand
  23. I Hate to Break It to You
  24. I'm Done
  25. I'm Good
  26. I Second That
  27. Jawaban Thank You
  28. Just Kidding
  29. Keep In the Loop
  30. Keep Me Posted
  31. Kick Ass
  32. Long Face
  33. Nice Try
  34. Oh My God
  35. On Pins And Needles
  36. Pardon My French
  37. Positive Light
  38. Shed Some Light
  39. Small Talk
  40. Sneak In
  41. Talk Into
  42. Tell Me About It
  43. That's Bananas
  44. There's a Catch
  45. To Hell With
  46. Tone Deaf
  47. Overthinking
  48. Very
  49. Walk In
  50. Way to Go
  51. Weirdo
  52. What Do We Do
  53. What the Hell?
  54. What's Good?
  55. What's On Your Mind?
  56. What's The Catch?
  57. What's the Haps
  58. What's Your 20?

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