Artikel Inggris

Ini list dari artikel Inggris gue biar gue gampang nyarinya pas gue lagi butuh:

  1. Busting My Ass
  2. Come Again
  3. Dead to Rights
  4. Get the Better of Me
  5. Got Under My Skin
  6. Have a Nose For Something
  7. Hold Up End Of the Bargain 
  8. Jawaban Thank You
  9. Keep In the Loop
  10. On Pins And Needles
  11. Pardon My French
  12. That's Bananas
  13. There's a Catch
  14. What's The Catch?
  15. What's the Haps

Contoh Bahasa Inggrisnya:

Contoh-Contoh Kalimat:
